Baker Bulletin
Baker Beacon Rally
The Beacon Rally is a jumping off point where you can be introduced to basic avalanche awareness, practice using your avalanche transceiver and hone your group rescue skills in a fun environment. Learn what it takes to use your tools to locate and uncover a buried beacon. This FREE event is for new and experienced backcountry users.
Find details on our BAKER BEACON RALLY page.
Timbrrr! Best Trick Contest
TIMBRRR! is a best trick contest and an ode to The Sticks’ humble beginnings when the zone was made up of only a few wooden features. While the FFZ has expanded over the last few seasons, sliding wood rails is more strategy than spectacle given their natural stickiness compared to metal features. Come get tricky with us like the good ole days!
Find details on our TIMBRRR! PAGE page.
Multi-Week Lessons & Community Programs Begin
The Xwelmi Nation Family (XNF) has their first trip to Mt Baker on Saturday January 11th. XNF helps Nooksack and Lummi youth celebrate the beauty and gifts of winter on the slopes of Mt Baker Ski Area. To find out more information, sign up or donate, visit their website and facebook pages!
The Komo Kulshan Ski Club (KKSC) invites you to check out their transportation options to visit Mt Baker:
The Silver Wings Adult Bus on Thursdays starts on January 9th, registrations still available!
Winter Ride – Bus registration for Bellingham middle and high schoolers looking to participate in the Mt Baker Winter Ride program on Saturdays in March is now available.
Multi-Week Lessons – Registration for Mt Baker Youth and Adult Multi-Week Lesson Programs in February and March are still available. Hurry before they fill up!
Our spotlight community partner this month is Black to the Outdoors, a local organization that is working to create winter sports accessability and community for people of color. From their website: “We’re creating spaces where Black joy thrives and all people of color can experience the freeing power of the outdoors.
We’re building a vibrant community where you can dive into new experiences, from peaceful forest walks to heart-racing mountain shreds, surrounded by people who’ve got your back. Whether you’re a first-timer or a seasoned explorer, you’ll find your place here.”.
For more information and to register, visit WWW.BLACKTOTHEOUTDOORS.ORG
Thank you, Nicole, for your contributions to the Baker community!